Conceived in 2018, this collaborative teaching and learning space will have York students conducting experiments based on mathematical principles in their mathematics courses and/or research projects. In addition, experimental demonstrations highlighting the value and ingenuity of mathematics are available to anyone interested. This may include groups of students in K to 12, prospective university students and mathematics educators.
This unique math space is supported by the York University Academic Innovation Fund.
Location: N619 in the Ross Building (Keele Campus).
Items we have available Many of these items are portable, and hence can be brought into classrooms.
Contact Anyone wishing to learn more about this space, please contact Amenda Chow at amchow(at)yorku(dot)ca.
Communications, which includes media articles, student reflections and examples of other experimental math spaces.
This page was last updated on April 9, 2019, and first created on July 17, 2018.